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FDA CDRH Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn

The FDA's Center for Devices and Radiological Health uses social media to provide consumers, patients, caregivers, health care professionals, regulated industry, and others with timely information about medical devices and radiation-emitting products.

CDRH uses these social media platforms:

  • Twitter: @FDADeviceInfoExternal Link Disclaimer Topics: Safety communications, device recalls, approvals, regulatory guidance, health days of observance, and other device and radiation-emitting product topics.

  • Facebook: @FDAExternal Link Disclaimer Topics: Safety communications, approvals, health days of observance, and other device and radiation-emitting product topics.

  • LinkedIn: FDA LinkedInExternal Link Disclaimer Topics: Regulatory communications, Safety Communications, Communications to health care providers and industry webinars and public meeting announcements, and FDA articles/blogs.


CDRH is not always able to respond to replies or direct messages on our social media platforms. Send questions or comments to

Please do not post any private, personal, or proprietary information on any social media site. Send inquiries to

Messages, followers and those followed by CDRH or the FDA do not in any way imply endorsement of any device, product, or organization.

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